Lakewood Park

Beechgrove, Tennessee


Property Owners Meeting

March 8, 2025 10:00am

Community Center


Gate remotes are available in the office


Property Owner Information

Having correct contact information on your property helps everyone. If there is a fire, damage, or squatters and we have the right to contact you, we can and will make you aware of the issues. We cannot report to the police any issues without Property Owner contact. You as the Property Owner must file the police report.



As always, one of the main concerns of Lakewood are the roads. We are aware of the condition. They are being worked on as weather allows. Hopefully, with the warmer weather and maybe less rain, we can get the roads repaired.


Buying Property

When buying property in Lakewood Park, please check with the office for outstanding assessment amounts. New owners are liable for unpaid back assessments.

Please have the following when checking property at the office:

  • Block and lot number
  • Current owner's name
  • Address


The bath house is closed permanently.



Just a reminder, sheds are not allowed in the park without permits from the trustees first. Camping lots are restricted as to what size they may have. Residential lots need permits from the county if they're over 200 square feet. County will not okay permit without first coming to trustees. Once signed off county will allow the shed to come in. All sheds are required to sign a nonliving agreement.


Campers must have permits and be approved by Trustees. Campers must be self-contained. Park models not allowed.

Registering Deeds

As a property owner, you must make sure that your deed has been registered with the office. If you are leasing property, your landlord my register your lease with the office. This will allow us to have your property verified and issue access passes to the park.


Items on which to vote on March 8, 2025 Property Owners Meeting

  1. Trustee Election. Two positions available for Trustee.
  2. Candidates are:
    • Susie Haluska (current trustee)
    • Eddie Fortner (current trustee)
    • David Underwood


Items on which to vote on November 9, 2024 Property Owners Meeting

  1. Add Article IV, Item 12A:

    Property owners will be responsible for any mailbox keys not returned to office by their tenants that move out.

  2. Amend Article IV, Item 2:

    Any building, mobile home, or camper must be approved by the Trustees before being placed on the lot. Campers, RV's, motor homes and mobile homes shall be commercially manufactured.

    Camper shells are not permitted to be removed from vehicles and placed on the lot

    Guidelines for campers:

    • Must have structurally sound roof
    • Doors must operate as intended
    • No broken windows
    • Structurally sound outer walls
    • Be self-contained with an operational waste collection system that does not allow dumping on the ground
    • Must have a mobile waste water removal tank

    No converted trucks, buses, or vans.

  3. Add Article II, Item 8a:

    No fires allowed on or near the beach area or on any other common areas in Lakewood Park unless there is a designated fire pit present.

  4. Amend Article III, Item 1D to add:

    Anybody purchasing property in Lakewood Park is responsible for any assessments associated with said property. Title searches are strongly advised. Lakewood Park Trustees cannot waive any assessments.


Items on which to vote on May 11, 2024 Property Owners Meeting

  1. Trustee Eligibility - Article 1, Paragraph 1, Item 1 be removed and replaced with:

    1. Persons eligible to become a Trustee shall:

      Be a member in good standing in which all assessment fees and all violation fees, if any have been assessed, are paid up to date and must also be in complete compliance with all Restrictive Covenants as stated in the trust indenture.

    Note: Removes requirement that a candidate serve on a committee for a year prior to running

  2. Hunting - Article IV, Item 16

    New proposed covenant

    1. No projectile game hunting permitted on any property within Lakewood Park boundaries. Projectile weapons include but are not limited to all firearms (ie. handguns, shotguns, rifles), bows of any type, and CO2 BB pistols and BB rifles. Property owners cannot circumvent this covenant by giving permission for others to hunt on their property within Lakewood Park Boundaries.


Items on which to vote on November 11, 2023 Property Owners Meeting

  1. Bath House

    It was proposed at the August 12, 2023 Property Owners meeting, by a private individual, to permanently close the bath house. Said person requested a vote by all Property Owners. Proposal had a second and third motion, so a vote is required.
  2. Failed
  3. Gates

    It was proposed at the August 12, 2023 Property Owners meeting, by a private individual, to remove the entrance and exit gates from Lakewood Park. Said person requested a vote by all Property Owners. Proposal had a second and third motion, so a vote is required.


Voting results from August 12, 2023 Property Owners Meeting

  1. Mobile homes

    Change the age of mobile homes coming into the park from 5 years to 10 years or newer with third party inspections licensed professional required before permits are granted by the Trustees.
  2. Camping

    Due to issues on camping lots inside Lakewood Park and for the continued safety of Lakewood Park residents, anyone staying on a camping lot in a tent, or a pop-up tent trailer more than 72 consecutive hours must notify the Lakewood Park office of the lot and block location where they plan to camp. They must either own the lot or have a renter's agreement from the lot owner filed with the office. All items must be removed and the lot cleared of debris prior to departing the property. Tents and pop-up tent trailers cannot be left on camping lots. No property owners can live in or rent a lot for use of a tent or pop-up as a permanent residence.


Voting results from May 13, 2023 Property Owners Meeting

  1. Permits

    Permits for moving mobile homes, campers, and outbuildings into or around the park and fines for moving mobile homes, campers, and outbuildings as explained in enclosed letter. Permits from the office are free and will be approved in a timely manner. Failure to obtain a permit will result in a monetary penalty of $100 per month until the permit is issued.
  2. Renter registration with the Park by property owners.

    Should a property owner(s) choose to rent or lease a property, the property owner(s) must register that tenant with the Lakewood Park office. Registration of the tenant allows the tenant to set up a account with the office for the purposes of obtaining a gate pass code for entrance into the park. It also allows the office to be able to notify emergency personnel of their location in the park. The tenant must have the property owner(s) complete the registration and sign it at the office. This ensures the property owners(s) has allowed the tenants access to the property.


Voting Results from March 11, 2023 Property Owners Meeting

  1. Trustee Elected
    • Susie Haluska (Returning trustee)
    • Eddie Fortner
    • Kim Spears
  2. Continue road assessments for $25.00 per year per lot for 3 years starting February 2023.
  3. Change covenants from judicial to non-judicial foreclosure procedures. This allows liens to be placed on past due properties, then proceed with a Sheriff's sale foreclosure. Many of these properties belong to National Development or owners who are either deceased or unable to be located. Being allowed to proceed with this would give us the ability to bring many of these properties into a legitimate ownership, which would add more revenue for the park in yearly fees.


Lakewood Propery Owners Rules for Access to Property (Gate Rules)

  • Deeds, contracts on property, or leasing of property must be registered in the Lakewood Park office.
  • Along with proof of ownership, the following information is required:
    • Make and model of vehicle
    • Current license plate number
    • Current address
    • Current phone number (will not released; for office use only)
    • Email address (allowing updates between quarterly meetings)
  • Paid property owners are allowed one sticker per lot up to 2 stickers. Each subsequent sticker will cost $15 each.*
  • Remotes are available to paid property owners for $40 each.*
  • Guest codes are provided to paid property owners for their guests if they prefer to not pay for extra stickers.
  • All stickers must be applied to the vehicle and be attached to the vehicle by the park office. This allows control of the sticker placement so it will scan properly and prevent passing stickers around.
  • Police, Fire and emergency have access 24/7
  • Deliveries such as UPS, FedEx and USPS (postal) have access
  • Private contractors are required to check-in at the gate.
  • Every property is required to sign a copy of the bylaws for the office to keep on file. A copy will be given to each property owner.

* Prices are subject to change



Covenants Original covenants and individual amendments


Lakewood Park facebook logo

48 Lakewood Drive

Beechgrove, TN 37018


Phone: (931)394-2125

Office hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10 am - 5 pm
Wednesday 10 am - 5 pm
Thursday 10 am - 5 pm
Friday 10 am - 5 pm
Saturday 10 am - 1 pm
Sunday Closed
Closed from 12 pm to 1pm for lunch everyday
Dump Hours
Tuesday 7 am - 10 am
Thursday 1 pm - 6 pm
Friday 1 pm - 5 pm
Saturday 10 am - 1 pm
Septic Station Hours
Wednesday 11 am - 2 pm
Saturday 11 am - 2 pm